Top 10k strings from Crevasse (1982)(Microsphere)[a].z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   2 xSafely acrossRight into the chasmThe ice engulfs youCREVASSE !
   2 s!os"{\!Fv
   2 Your score was The highest so far!Highest score so far is Press any key to play again
   2 Microsphere 1982   
   2 0 You are exploring the polarice-cap and need fresh  suppliesfrom your ship. But spring comesearlier than ever before and theice starts to break up.Crevassesappear and then close up in yourpath. Can you make it across thetreacherous ice?
   2 % Press any key to start.    
   2  You travel in an ice-buggy,which looks like 
   2  You score each time you getacross. The more crevasses thereare the more you score. There isa bonus for very fast crossings.
   2  CREVASSE !
   2  .You steer itby the 5,6,7 & 8 keys(directionsare the same as the arrows). Youstart off  with 10 ice-buggies.
   1 Z0  D@DxD D
   1 @ x(<88x8<DDx< 
   1 <xx<x<@@<< 
   1 "crevasse"
   1  x< Dx DD8